3 ways golf can improve your mental health

10th February 2022 - Blog Post

How golf can improve your mental health - Rossdale Golf Club

With lockdown ending, many people are looking for ways to lift their spirits. And while there are suddenly plenty of things you can now do – from going to the pub to catching a movie – it’s not easy finding something that’s both fun and good for you. Golf is one activity, however, that’s great for getting back into the swing of things. It offers a range of mental health benefits too. 

Want to find out why? Keep reading this blog from the team at Rossdale to find out.

  • Socialising

Want to shake off the COVID blues? It’s time to get social. Golf provides the perfect setting for reconnecting with friends and meeting new ones. This is because you’ll usually play in a group of 2-4 people. And there are endless opportunities to strike up a conversation. Your social network can be expanded further by getting involved in golf clinics or social events. Better yet, sign up for a membership at your local course. That way you can enjoy regular play and join a welcoming community. Head to the clubhouse or bistro for delicious food and drinks, and keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming events too.  

  • Physical exercise

One of the main reasons golf is great for your mental health is because it gets your body moving. In fact, research indicates that exercise is one of the most important factors in helping us to reduce stress and feel better overall. Why? Because when we exert ourselves physically, our body releases hormones that help us to relax. The good news is you’ll easily work up a sweat by taking to the golf course. Whether it’s from swinging away at the first tee, or walking up and down the last fairway, you’ll get all the physical (and mental) benefits you need from this popular sport.  

  • Switching off (and getting outdoors) 

Are you glued to countless screens throughout the day? Golf helps you to switch off from devices. Be it a mobile phone, your laptop or even the TV, it’s a great way to escape the distractions and noise around you. And this brings with it a world of benefits. For instance, when people take time off from social media, they often report feeling less anxious. This is because we experience feelings of isolation when endlessly scrolling through a newsfeed. Not to mention the poor self-esteem and body image issues that can arise from comparing ourselves to others online. Golf is the perfect solution. And the best part? You’ll be able to take in the beautiful scenery. Think native trees and flowers, flowing waterways and lots of wildlife. 

Tip: You can practice mindfulness while playing golf. It’s called mindful walking, and it involves connecting yourself to the ground and really focusing on everything from the feeling of your feet on the grass, to what you can see, hear and smell. Give it a try and see how it makes you feel.      

Want to experience the benefits of golf yourself?

Visit Rossdale today. We’re one of Melbourne’s most affordable public golf clubs and we have the best community in town. Visit the bistro for an award-worthy menu and keep a lookout for social events, beginner clinics, coaching and more.

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